Friday, July 8, 2011

Crash and Danger CD Release Party

I saw Crash Landon and Aaron Danger open up for Slick Rick a couple months ago and it was great to see them again at the Blue Turtle in Hilltop. I was happy to get my hip hop fix in because I'm never sure where to go see this stuff. Seeing music of any genre performed gets me hyped because everyone is doing what they love. There's so much positive energy in the room that it becomes contagious. Crash and Danger definitely have that contagious energy.

An added bonus for the night was being able to see Drew Skills and Steve B rock the mic again. Twitter has become really interesting tool for seeking out and talking to independent artists. Without it, I would have missed out on a really awesome recording session the following week at the Green Room with Drew Skills and Steve B. That was a completely new experience for me and I hope to go back and document it better.

Here are some photos from the Blue Turtle.

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crash danger cd release-0074

crash danger cd release-0096

crash danger cd release-0046

crash danger cd release-0145

crash danger cd release-0131

crash danger cd release-0173

Here's one real quick video showing off the verbalism of Mike Mo

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Today the Moon Tomorrow the Sun: Hard Working Musicians

Today on the blog I have a video interview with Today the Moon Tomorrow the Sun. They just released Wildfire, a full length album filled with shit that will make you move. I was able to sit down with the band before the show and ask them about why they work so hard and how much it means to them when fans enjoy their music. I have so much respect any artist that works hard and puts themselves out there like TTMTTS. Part of my goal with this blog is to show music fans exactly why they should continue to support independent art.

This is the first time I have interviewed a band and I hope to do more in the future. If you are a band and would like to tell me why making music is important to you, give me a shout in the comments below.